
LawDepot provides customizable legal forms with step-by-step guidance. Find legal documents, forms and contracts related to: 

  • property
  • real estate
  • financial
  • business
  • family

LawDepot is available through the Libby app. Libby provides access to LawDepot for 30 days at a time and is easily renewed each 30 days. 

First time Users: Access LawDepot from the library website or in the Extras section of Libby.

  1. You will be asked to provide your library card number and PIN, if you are not already signed into Libby for other resources such as eMagazines. 
  2. Open the LawDepot overview with your Library card. 
  3. Get access for 30 days and Continue to the LawDepot website. LawDepot's Terms of Use apply. 

Returning Users: With an active pass, you can access LawDepot two ways: 

When your access expires: Return to the library website or Libby to obtain access again.